Library/Faculty Digital Initiatives Partnerships

The UNCG University Libraries support a collaborative approach to the creation and sharing of digital content of enduring value to UNCG and global scholarly community. To support this goal, the Libraries offer two options for library/faculty partnerships:

  1. Digital Partners (Internal Grant) – Through a competitive annual application process, the Libraries will provide up to $22,500 worth of IT resources (a combination of IT staff time and infrastructure, but no cash awards).
  2. External Grants – The Libraries can provide advice on a wide range of IT-related services, and would be willing to discuss providing some of these services, if externally funded.

Working With the University Libraries

The University Libraries has considerable expertise in collaborating with faculty on long-term web hosting, web design, user interface development, programming, database design, metadata, usability testing, and digitization.

Here are some examples of past and current collaborative initiatives.

Why Work With the University Libraries?

  1. As we partner with faculty to discuss their digital projects and related ideas, we plan to help build a community of scholars with a shared interest in digital initiatives.
  2. If you have an external grant, it might be a good idea to keep some of that money on campus. And we are likely to be less expensive than working with a commercial operation.
  3. If you partner with the Libraries, there is a much greater chance that your scholarly product will be preserved long term, shared more widely, and have a greater impact.

Talk to Us

Faculty interested in learning more about the potential for library support for grant ideas should contact Tim Bucknall ([email protected]).